Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Class VII,Science

1. Fill in the Blanks  (6×½= 3)
 (i) Minerals, (ii) Reeling, (iii) Caterpillar, (iv) Chlorophyll, (v) Mulberry silk moth, (vi) Cell membrane
i. The leaves have a green pigments called ________.

ii. The cell is enclosed by a thin outer boundary called ________.

iii.  Water and ________ are transported to the leaves.

iv. The most common silk moth is ________.

v. Silkworms are ________ of silk moth.

vi. The process of taking out threads from the cocoon is called ________.
2. Write one word answer:            (4×1= 4)

(a) Components of food are necessary for our body called _______

(b) The organisms make food themselves called _________

(c) Some organisms made food prepared by plants called______

(d) After caterpillars next stage of silk moth is ________ 

3. Very short question                 (3×1= 3)

a.  Write the equation of photosynthesis?

b. Write about Pashmina Shawls?

c. Which purpose we use Llama & Alpaca animals?

4. Two mark question ( Any 5)               (5×2= 10)

i. What is Insectivorous Plants?

ii. Draw the figure of photosynthesis?

iii. Write about any two process making fibres into wool?

iv. Write two point about silkworm?

v. Write about Scouring & Sorting?

vi. Write about cell with picture?

. 5. Activity  (10)

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