Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Class VI,Science

1. Match items in column-A with those in column-B      (4×½=2)

        Column-A                                                          Column-B
   a. Man                                                            i. Nectar

   b. Spinach, Cauliflower, Carrot                     ii. Insects

   c. Butterfly                                                   iii. Both plants and animals

  d. Spider                                                       iv. Vegetables

2. Write True (T) for the correct statement and False (F) for wrong

    statement.                                                                          (4×½=2)

a) Carrot, Radish belongs to plant stems as food.

b) Lion is omnivorous

c) Human beings, animals, birds, insects, etc. eat the same type of


d) Plants give us more varieties of food than animals.

3. Multiple choice questions           (4×½=2)

(a) Which one of the following is not a natural fibre

(i) cotton             (ii) nylon

(iii) flax             (iv) wool

(b) Which one of the following fibres is obtained from a kind of worms

(i) nylon (ii) wool

(iii) flax             (iv) silk

(c) Which one of the following fibres is obtained from plants.

(i) Wool (ii) silk

(iii) nylon (iv) flax

(d) The process of separating cotton fibres from the seed is called

(i) knitting (ii) loading

(iii) seeding (iv) ginning

4. Very short question              (4×1=4)

a.  What do you mean by fibre?

b. Give two examples of roots that we eat?

c. Give two examples of flowers that we eat?

d. Materials needed to prepare a dish or a food item are called?

5. Two mark question ( Any 5)               (5×2=10)

i. Difference between natural fibres & synthetic fibres?

ii. What are herbivores and carnivores? Give two examples of each?

iii. What do you mean by Ginning?

iv. Write four points about cotton plant?

v. What do they eat?

(a) Sparrow, (b) Frog, (c) Butterfly, (d) Vulture

vi. Draw the picture of dry seeds and after sprout forms seed.

 6. Activity  (10)

 7. Slip Test (10)

 8. CW/HW (10)

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